The entire 3D reality is at the process of crumbling down. We’re so very close to fully merging into the higher consciousness of love, light, oneness and bliss we have longed for.
The months, weeks and days are constantly heightened and so much is changing by the hour. I am no longer creating monthly energy forecasts as everything can change in a blink of an eye. With this blog post I’m responding to two questions that I was asked over and over: “What can we do to prepare for the solar flash” and “When will it happen?”
Where do we stand now in regards to the new earth?
You have noticed how all the upgrades and downloads we are receiving have been multiplied and everything is happening very fast now. The divine show me an image of a spiral. They say the bottom is narrow but as it moves up, it expands and becomes wider.
The energies expand further and further into the collective and while the ascension started so slowly in the past we are now at the peak. Everything is affected by this ‘spiral’ of waves.
During the equinox, the collective went through a Quantum jump. This is a frequency adjustment to align with the frequency of the events happening next.
We’re literally hitting milestones left and right not only during the big event dates or portals but during any day, or almost all days!
The Divine keep on murmuring: Nothing is as it seems.
They say what you see and observe now, is not the current reality because the earth has already been upgraded higher. Yes, that’s right, the earth, and everything that exists has already moved onto the higher consciousness. As time doesn’t exist, everything is happening in this now moment. We are observing a reality that’s soon to evaporate. It is spineless, or rootless. This 3D world and all the density that comes with it is like a dry leaf, ready to be blown away from the wind (another visual they bring).
Everything that we are receiving now prepares for the ultimate move from the old to the new. We are observing and seeing everything from the 3D reality because that’s what our bodies and minds were used to. slowly we’re moving from that. The solar flash is the ultimate wiping out of all the duality and density, however, we’re already moving on that. It has already begun, we just need time to attune to it all.
What can really happen next?
The Divine keep mentioning that through the chaos, the light is spread. Yet there are so many timelines at hand I’m not even sure which one we will ultimately experience or already experience.
Firstly big events might occur affecting the entire collective. There are many timelines at play and anytime you tap into it, you might receive different information from different ones. Anything is possible. I keep hearing “all the eyes would be in the skies”.
Some of the timelines I’m tapping into have to do with major big events that will bring great chaos onto the people as that it’s needed for them to move through their own ascension as they’ve been not awakened. Those events will shake everyone in the collective like never before and change the reality of normality that we have build around us. That of course won’t be the case for the lightworkers that have chosen to awaken long before. They won’t be as affected by those events, and infact those energies are rocking us to move to the new Earth much earlier than others so that we just observe what’s happening with no fear. Then the big solar flash will occur. One such event I have mentioned In my solar flash video. In short the sun’s magnetic energy constantly pulls towards itself anything in the solar system. Since January this magnetic power increased tremendously (proof are the constant sun spots), and so its pull increased. Uranus planet is very tilted so it’s not as strongly grounded in its orbit causing it to move towards the sun more and more and eventually fall out of its orbit. This causes major energy waves in the solar system that sends matters not grounded flying (i.e asteroids or comets), which will enter the earth’s atmosphere. Catch the rest in the video.
Another one I’m sensing lately has to do with personal Chaos. People’s lives will be completely out of alignment, again those needed to let go of the 3d world. so the chaos can be a personal matter, as the density is coming up to the entire humanity. This will ultimately bring bigger aftermath to the collective (i.e when countries start fighting).
Another timeline exists of the solar flash happening at any moment. During that time the intensity will be so grant and big that we will leave our bodies and our soul will be guarded in the galactic spaceships or surrounding stars or planets. Again during this time, the lightworkers have done the necessary prep work so they are aligned mind, body and spirit.
A very recent piece of information I received is that a very big solar flash will happen, smaller than the one we expect, and that will initiate the beginning of the end of the 3D world. They said “Everything starts with a flash of light, everything ends with a flash of light”; Meaning that this next phase will begin with this solar flash, and it will initiate the big shifts. It will end with the bigger grant flash a few days or weeks later, marking the start of the New earth, and big alignment.
This is information I have received in early February and that’s what we experience now with the major sunspots causing X, M, C solar flares continuously.
We are heading towards this any minute.
So What can you do to prepare?
Mind, body and spirit you are ready. You’ve been preparing for years for this moment. You are ready!!
Those around you that you see daily, also have prepped through you because you’re like a glowing sun with their energy often that naturally elevates and aligns them.
As we live in a physical world still, however, understand that things will stop functioning as you were used to. The way we move from day to day will no longer be the same.
Electricity, the internet will no longer function. Supermarkets and other businesses will be affected greatly.
That would be true either when the big solar flash occurs, or when major events bring chaos. The world will no longer function the same way. Countries won’t be able to send supplies to one another for instance.
The good news is that this won’t last forever. A few weeks, before the new earth is upon us.
The Divine always brings the same information: You will be provided for. You have nothing to fear.
And this is true, especially the lightworkers have received activations, insights, guidance to what they need to do or places they need to be in settled before it all happens. However, the ego is so strong currently: What can I do?
I’m speaking to this voice. Do whatever you need to make you feel safe. Gather candles and make sure you have whatever supplies you need for when electricity is out, to keep you warm and functional.
Get extra food and water and have it stored.
Any necessary other material things you might need just make sure you’re set.
This is not because you need it, because we don’t know what direction the events will take. This is to help you feel safe and secure and comfortable.
The lightworkers won’t be as affected. The events will be directed to those who are not aligned with the new Earth.
We have made it. It is time!
Everytime I ask the Divine, “When will be the big solar flash”, I don’t receive a straight answer. They did say that Anything might happen at any moment.Time doesn’t really exist however. They told me they don’t see time but energy. They explained as they look at the earth they see it as a drawing that keeps on being constructed. 3 weeks ago they mentioned earth’s energy as a drawing resembling a finish sketch, no color. 2 days ago they mentioned the earth begins to have color, think of like a watercolor painting that colors began to be added everywhere and take shake, yet not finished. What does that mean? (They are so keen on metaphor!) It means that color is the new earth, the frequency of love, unity the true aspect of all that is. Before we were blank, now those new energies are anchoring and forming the soon completed new earth painting.
So it can happen in an hour, in days or weeks, but it’s very soon!
I want you to get excited and do the happy dance (like my guides for weeks now). We have reached this far after so many years of ascending. The final phase is here and now. This is no longer the pre-event we are navigating. This is the final phase!
I will continue to share material, news and upgrades as we continue to navigate through this time.
All is well. We are looked after. Use all the tools you have learned so far to keep you company until we will be one with the all!
New earth here we come!
This Post Has 2 Comments
Thanks, great post! 🙂
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