If you notice a number repeating all around you three times in a short period of time, then it is a sign from your Angels. Number 4 brings you messages.
Angel number 4
This number is in your favor. It combines your spiritual connection with Divine beings such as Angels and Spirits Guides that let you know that they are watching over you. When those loving beings have your back, you should feel fierce and powerful. They strengthen your energy and support your pathway; they bring inspiration, wisdom, opportunities. As you lay at night, remember to thank them for watching over you, and ask them to help you with whatever you want to achieve. They just wait for your call, and number 4 is their way of letting you know.
Angel number 44
Spirits of the light surround you, and guide your every step. As you go by every day, you do not walk alone as they stand alongside you. They are your spiritual warriors, ready to hunt down any negativity against you. You are protected and showered with love from the Divine. Christ, Mother Mary, or any other powerful lighted being watches over you. You will only naturally feel empowerment.
Angel number 444
You are surrounded by white light. White light is very powerful and brings you strength, inspiration, protection, healing, support, spiritual empowerment. This is the perfect opportunity to excuse yourself from the crowd and ponder upon those questions you have been seeking. Think about your life’s path, consider how to move forward, what is the next step towards your deepest desires. As this bright light shines upon you, you will be able to find the answers more easily. For those seeking for spiritual empowerment, it is the perfect time to work on your physic and clairvoyant skills. Your spiritual connection is very powerful and you will get fast results.
Angel number 4444
If you have lost someone dear to you, they are around you now. This is the number of a loving spirit close by. Do not be frightened, they convey white light and love to you. Your Guardian Angel is also present at this moment; ask them to show you the way, protect you, and empower you. You are surrounded by love. Close your eyes and you will feel it.