If you notice a number repeating all around you three times in a short period of time, then it is a sign from your Angels. Number 5 brings you messages.
Divine Number 5
Number five entails strength. This number relies on your own power both physical and spiritual. You have been focusing on external help, asking for assistance, however you are the one that holds all the power. This number reminds you of your inner light, wisdom and ability. You have all the answers already within, you know the right path. Rely on your strength and you will create wonderful things. Lately you have forgotten how powerful and capable you are. This number reminds you.
Divine Number 55
Let go of your fears, don’t hide in the shadows. This number brings support in this phase of your life. This too shall pass. The stronger you are, and the more positive you try to be, the less effect any negative event will have on you. Find the courage within to cope with anything thrown your way; you are much stronger than you think. This number is your safety boat. Hang on to the positive sight of things and you will find your way out sooner than you think. Your Spiritual Team, brings support.
Divine Number 555
Relax and enjoy the quiet. Every moment is perfect, and this number reminds you to see the beauty in everything. You have been stressing and working too hard. Pause and smile, notice the beauty that awaits your gaze. Your spiritual team asks you to loosen up and stop stressing out. Everything shall find their place, all will be done in Divine timing, for now do something you really love. You need it to empower.
Divine Number 5555
Synchronicity appears in front of you. This number is telling you time is your ally. You will find yourself in all the right places at the right time. The more you relax and go with it, the more you will notice those amazing synchronicities all around you. You are manifesting at the speed of light, and your thoughts are coming into fruition in front of you. It is so wonderful to be you, right now. Enjoy it.