Category: 5D


Ascension: All you wanted to know about

You heard of “ascension“, or “the shift” but perhaps you are not sure what that means. If you have come here wondering if you are on the ascension process, chances are you are. People began coming together from all around

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Light locations on earth

Did you know that during this time millions of light beings work to help us and the earth ascend in lighter dimensions? The “keepers of the light on earth”  are beings who help create portals of light on the earth’s

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Message from Arcturians: welcome the new earth

The Arcturians are an alien race that comes from from the blue planet circling the red giant star Arcturus in the Bootes constellation. Arcturus orbits at around 36 light years from our solar system, yet they join us know to help us and the Earth ascend in greater light. As you read their message, they send you light codes that raise your vibration and assist your transformation.

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