Category: Spirituality

Spiritual meaning of a snake

Many people have associated snakes with hate, revenge, cruelty. The truth, however, is further from that. If you see snakes repeatedly, if they appear on your path, or even in your home, it’s a good idea to pay close attention

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The science & power of an Angel Reading

There those times that you find yourself in need of guidance, direction from someone who knows you, who understands, but also who has all the answers, who is wise and trustworthy. Your spiritual team ticks all the points, They are

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How the earth changes affect you

Earth changes and shifts, and you do so as well. The more connected you are with earth and your mind, body, spirit, the more you notice that the change of the seasons affect your state of mind, energy levels and

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Horse: Spiritual meaning

If a horse image is brought into your dreams, the meaning of a horse into your everyday conversations, or even if you get glimpses of it as you walk by the street, Then the universe brings you messages and you

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Animals and their supernatural abilities

Do you have a pet? Then you might have wondered if your pet has a soul purpose. Can animals sense the spirit world? Do they really have a soul? Animals are wonderful messengers of the universe, but they also have

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ringing in the ears

Ringing in the Ears

To look into the causes of ringing in the ears we have to dig a little deeper. I’m sure you have experienced this sensation when out of nowhere, you hear this weird noise; but no one else seems to hear

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How to connect with a lost loved one

Losing someone it does not mean that they have left you forever. Loss is a natural moving on of a path from the physical to spiritual. Those souls live on, greater now, combining the newly learned lessons and experiences into

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How the angels answer your prayers

This is a Direct ANGEL channeling: “Many of you wonder and doubt about our presence with you at any time. When you pray your natural ego self cannot help but wonder“am I alone? Am I surrounded by angels?” and then

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Tiger: spiritual meaning

How many times do you notice the image of a tiger? perhaps you see one in videos, in magazines, on TV, or in your dreams. The image of a tiger brings spiritual messages to you, so you better notice it

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