Dear Angels, how can I increase my intuition, to better discern the true motives of people I encounter?
“This answer is very easy for us: remove the ego from your thoughts as much as possible. The ego is responsible for doubt, fear, and worry. It disconcerts any thoughts as coincidences; it makes you think like you are not strong enough, not special enough. All these emotions that come from the ego, they do not resonate with who you really are. The more you connect with your higher self, the more you will be able to strengthen your intuition, to have love for all, to accept yourself as you are.
“How will I be able to dissociate myself from the ego?” we hear you think. This one is easy as well. Whatever thought or emotion does not feel good, then it’s from the ego. True guidance, ideas and inspiration that comes from us, that comes from your true higher self are positive and feel right within your heart.
To practice thoughts and ideas as they come from your true self, find whatever of those feel right and good. Practice appreciation; be grateful for all you see that you enjoy. Be thankful for it. As you do this, you will find that these thoughts bring strong loving emotion within your heart. Then you know they come from the right source.
Whenever a situation comes that you find displeasing, don’t add to that negative emotion. Stop the ego from complaining. Instead find whatever you can to like that situation a bit more. Remember that whatever comes into your path is not random.
As you slowly practice good feeling thoughts and remove negative ones, you will be removing worry, sadness, and unworthiness from your life and your way of thinking. And then, what’s left then? Good feeling thoughts, loving emotions, gratitude and appreciation, happiness and yes, all those open the divine connection to Lighted inspiration and guidance that comes from us, that comes from your true Divine self.
The motives of people will become very evident to you. as you emit positivity and good energy, then the people that match those emotions connect with you more. When you encounter people with bad motives, then you immediately feel a disconnection. You know the warnings from guidance with no hesitation.
The happier your thoughts are, the more you will feel our love to you shine bright. You will be able to feel us even when we are around. This is because your energy becomes lighter, it becomes higher in vibration and you are able to experience our pure essence better.
We hope that you do feel our next response and guidance to you cleverly from within.”
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