AUGUST FORECAST – The start of a new energy year

Direct divine channeling

Since May you have been preparing for what’s to follow this August. The shifts, the waves of light, the clearings, have all been preparing you for this next phase of ascension. in august lots of things that started energetically will conclude. It will be the wrap of the current shifts.

The incoming light waves

As you might have noticed the energy that streams on earth has increased in radiance and duration. This is pushing you further into the 5D, and further from the old collective. If you hold on to fears, insecurities, old ideals you might notice out of place, distressed, unsettled. We ask that you observe you ideas, your thoughts, your dreams. You constantly have guidance as to what does not serve you. Choose to release this. The more “weight” you hold, the more resistance to enter the new frequency that opens up.

August will push you even further, perhaps more than ever before, so that you shed all the past, and prepare for the new energy year.

So far we have been working to bring you lightworkers into the right alignment, to be able to handle, take control and tame the ascension shift that is about to follow. After this August you’ll be ready to lead, to guide, to expand more rapidly, to fulfill your paths more effortlessly.

The earth reaches a point where it is no longer bound to the 3D collective, but it can now jump into the other dimensions with more ease and flow.

As a result you will notice plenty of changes are about to occur starting this August and continuing until 2021. Changes in the way the whole world reacts.

The start of the new energy year

This august initiates the end of the old energy year. By the end of it, you will notice many things have concluded, new revelations, decisions, shifts that started, new routes that unfold.

To better explain what we mean by “the new energy year”, ( I was given a vision of the sun rising and illuminating the earth) we mean that there is transition, a shift that is about to happen, that will bring a huge portal, a connection, or a bridge if you prefer between the earth’s collective, and the 5D collective as well as the higher vibrational realms. Before this portal was closed, dormant because it wasn’t supported. Once it opens, it will bring you constant light download and activations, and it will establish a more stable connection between the new earth.

Through this light portal the earth can finally receive the right frequency it needs to keep it move, shift and expand. This immense amount of light (and light beings) will be able to flow through like a wave of healing, recharging earth and the people; re-calibrating what is and purifying it.

You will benefit from this tremendously. It will be available for you to tune in also and receive special healing, re-balancing and clearing that you need.

This light portal (like an energy sun), is there as part of the ascension process, to help illuminate everything back to light. And the good news is that you are now ready for this.

The effects of this light portal

When you look directly at the sun with bare eyes, you need time to adjust to the brightness, similarly during this powerful shift at the end of August, you will require some attunement to this powerful energetic change, but again you’re already prepared for it. it might seem intense at first, but slowly your  energy will adjust. It will be a constant flow of light whenever you need it.


Ascension in nature

If you are attune to nature you will notice in the coming months how much revitalizing the earth will receive. New species show up, or those you thought were extinct re-appear. The trees and plants seem healthier, the animals calmer. This is a massive change that the entire universe will benefit from.

As your own energy field is bright and big the healthier and happier you are, now the earth’s field, this light portal, will help it become balanced, and re-energized.

We’re so excited to welcome you in this powerful shift. Stay focus within, notice what doesn’t serve you. The change will occur within you, but also all around.


This is a direct channeling from Divine beings by intuitive Amelia Bert. If you enjoyed this part, you will love The Original Lightworker’s membership, as you will find plenty of video courses, meditations, activations, special tools and soul journeys directly channeled from Divine beings!
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Amelia Bert

Amelia Bert is a spiritual author and online journalist. She published 7 books, one of which “Truth of all that is” is a favorite book on amazon.
Amelia is an Angel intuitive which means she can connect with Divine beings and perceive information. She uses her ability to help those in the ascension process, as well as spread the loving messages of the Angels to all.

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Amelia Bert

Amelia Bert is a spiritual author and online journalist. She published 7 books, one of which “Truth of all that is” is a favorite book on amazon.
Amelia is an Angel intuitive which means she can connect with Divine beings and perceive information. She uses her ability to help those in the ascension process, as well as spread the loving messages of the Angels to all.

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