Have ever visited a galactic spaceship? Do you have a memory of it, or even dreams about it? During this time of ascension there are hundreds of galactic “spaceships” above the sky all with the intention of helping us navigate through this spiritual ascension.
The following is a Divine channeling:
Galactic beings and ascension
When you agreed to take on this physical journey, you knew it would be a challenging as well as a life changing experience. Going through the so called “ascension” is not an easy task. You not only face your own clearings and re-programmings into a higher consciousness, but you also have the responsibility of aiding others and the earth to do the same. For this, millions of galactic beings, agreed to help you during this transformation, by offering their own healings, re-calibrations and energy transmissions to earth, and to everyone who is willing to receive them.
Unlike high dimensional beings such as Archangels, or beings that exist in spirit, many galactic beings co-exist, similar as you in higher dimensions. Those can’t simply move in and out of earth to offer their assistance, as it requires great angst to lower their frequency to reach the earth’s field. Many advanced galactic beings can often connect with you in spirit, but offering their energy transmissions requires they are in closer proximity to you. For this, they assigned various “centers” or “bases” closer to the earth’s field so that they can broadcast those energy influxes more freely.
Spirituality and spaceships
The reason you don’t often see those “bases” with your physical eyes, is because they still exist in higher dimensions, and as a result they are invisible from the current frequency of the earth. When you tune in spiritually with your psychic senses, you will be able to feel their energy lingering above your sky. Even so, when you mediate outside and go deep within a higher state, you will be able to even capture a vision of them with your naked eye.
The galactic beings who planted “bases” or “spaceships”, act like “nursing stations” in a time of war. They share wisdom, healing, and help to smoothen the intense energy waves before they reach you. Many of you that go through the ascension now, work with those galactic beings consciously or unconsciously.
Those galactic spaceships are not physical places, but rather energetic ones. You can ask to visit them while you sleep, or meditate. If you intend to visit one, request to be taken to the right one for you at that time.
When you get transferred to a spaceship, you won’t necessarily have a recollection for it. You might have dreams about visiting one, or get flashes of how it feels to be in one but not real memories of it. Usually after you visited one, you feel you are more balanced and aligned, or you wake up with more knowledge, a skill or even light language.
Working with galactic beings
Many of them might invite you to join their ‘bases” and many of you have already visited them during sleep state. During those visits, they attend to your spirit to clear any debris blocking you from expanding, and often recalibrations to align and anchor high vibrational energy or light into your subconscious and energy centers. If you give them permission, those galactic beings can re-charge you, help you navigate through a life change, or nurture you in moments of intense energy shifts.
Many of those galactic beings work closely with many of you sharing wisdom, teachings and activations to those who are ready and receptive to them. They do this through channelings, sharing light code transmissions, or even through healing to others with you (energy healers).
Galactic races and how they help through the ascension
There are many various spaceships from many different galactic races each one offering different advantages.
Some of them are from the Lyrians who offer a subtle energy transmission, almost like a nurturing one, to soothe any fears, struggles or angst during your ascension. They are very resilient beings, also making them perfect teachers, and healers. The lyrians ask us to let you know that you can request for an energy recalibration during your sleep state.
The Syrians are another race of galactic beings who wish to assist you during this time. They are communicators, helping you expand your psychic gifts and communication (light language).
The Adromeda beings help you battle inner fears, chatter and low vibrational programmings that you might carry in your DNA. They also assist you to handle a crisis, or see things from a higher vibration.
The Draconian race harmonizes the elements of the earth and balances your connection with nature. They share high vibrational alchemy to anyone ready to receive it.
There are many more galactic races all around the earth’s energy field benefiting from these beings who intend to help all of you ascend and reach a higher dimension. The point of this is that once the Earth elevates in vibration, the whole existence also raises. This point in time, this current path you are facing is very important for all that is and will ever be. For this, don’t hesitate to ask for you help when you need it.
If you feel the symptoms of ascension are intense, ask for any of those light beings to help you navigate through them, or offer you their healings and energy transmissions as they think best.
If you intend to channel any of those galactic beings, know that working with such high vibrational races can be a bit disconcerting. Not all of you are aligned with all the other races to be able to receive their help, or lessons. They are in a much higher consciousness and many times their connection might feel absurd to you, or that their teachings don’t make much sense. For that it’s best to ask for the one that will be right for you at that time. Trust that you will always receive what you are ready for.
Navigating through this ascension, feel empowered knowing that you are not alone, that you are watched over and cared for.
We love you.”
I’m sharing a very interesting video showing blue lights from galactic spaceships! Real video
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