Toward your soul’s purpose: June Angel forecast
The end of May has prepared us for what will follow in June. As you guessed it, the intensity of the energies is at a peak in June but most…
The end of May has prepared us for what will follow in June. As you guessed it, the intensity of the energies is at a peak in June but most…
A question that I hear all the time is: is what I’m going through an ascension symptom? During ascension, your body is going through several changes of releasing old energy…
Did you know that during this time millions of light beings work to help us and the earth ascend in lighter dimensions? The "keepers of the light on earth" are…
Lately, the energy blasts that we receive are very powerful, and each one works in shifting us towards the fifth dimension and above. Regardless of who you are, and how…
Change is the theme that surrounds May. In any hemisphere that you are, this month, it brings great transformation. Look around you, there is Change of weather, of nature, of…